Our high quality herbs and spices
support a healthy and natural way of life.
Our herbs and spices as pdf-file for downloading
The product list with the herbs and spices can be downloaded as a PDF-file
Our herbs and spices in alphabetical order:
- Black pepper - Piper nigrum
- Burdock root - Bardanae radix (Arctium lappa L.)
- Devil’s claw - Radix Harpago
- Ginger - Zingiber officinale
- Hydrangea root - Hydrangea aboresoens L.
- Myrrh milled - Myrrha pulv.
- Rosmary - Rosmarinus
- Stinging nettle leaves milled - Urtica diocia L.
- White Willow bark - Salix alba L.
- Yucca root - Yucca filamentosa L.